Tag Archives: halloween costumes

Halloweeny Week!

alice wonderland caterpillar halloween costumesHappy Halloween Week!

I’ve always loved Halloween. After Saint Patrick’s Day, it’s probably my favorite holiday.

We are fortunate enough to have friends who own some beautiful farm land in Hamilton, MI, and they generously host two very large annual parties. Every June we open the summer season with a Solstice Party, and every October we dress up for the Halloween Party. There’s always live Irish music. There’s always a bonfire and fireworks. And there’s always plenty of festivity.

Just imagine pulling up to an old farmhouse and barn, both lit with the glow of jack-o-lanterns and strings of lights. Everywhere you look there are people dancing, talking and drinking, and there’s a smell of vegetation and fire in the air. You’re welcomed by those you know, and often those you don’t. There are seasonal gardens, horses, gnarly trees and countless lovely costumes. Every time we go to this party, I swear that we’ve entered some sort of “other world,” and it’s always over too soon.

This year, we were Alice and the Caterpillar. In 2012, Psy and Hyuna. In 2011, gnomes. In 2010, Link and Zelda. The links below can take you on a little tour of these costumes and more, including a Banshee and Banhee, Gomez Adams and his sister-in-law Ophelia and Wesley and Buttercup. I’m considering making a book of these…

Past costumes

And more past costumes…

four zombies zombie walk grand rapids

Zombie Walk 2009 (ft. sister and brother-in-law), Gangnam Style 2012

gangnam style couple Halloween costumes

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Halloween Cometh…

Halloween sock monkeys black skull candle holder

Franken MickiMonkey and Count SaraMonkey are here to remind you that Halloween is just over three weeks away.

Do you have your costumes? We obtained the majority of what we need for ours this weekend. Most years we end up scrambling at the last minute, and while the costumes are always great, it’s incredibly hectic to be throwing them together in the hours before a party.

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Filed under Seasonal

The Beauty of Halloween

gnomes rubbing nosesMy husband comes up with great Halloween costume ideas.

Last year we were Link and Zelda. The year before that, Buttercup and Wesley. It gets blurry before that, but I think another year back we were V and Evey from V for Vendetta. We’ve managed to get most of what we need from Goodwill, fabric stores and the seasonal Halloween stores (mainly for the wigs). The ‘V’ year, hubs made his mask with paper mache and acrylic paint. We still have it somewhere.

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