The Beauty of Halloween

gnomes rubbing nosesMy husband comes up with great Halloween costume ideas.

Last year we were Link and Zelda. The year before that, Buttercup and Wesley. It gets blurry before that, but I think another year back we were V and Evey from V for Vendetta. We’ve managed to get most of what we need from Goodwill, fabric stores and the seasonal Halloween stores (mainly for the wigs). The ‘V’ year, hubs made his mask with paper mache and acrylic paint. We still have it somewhere.

This time, we were gnomes. It was an ideal costume as it allowed for my expanding bump and several layers to keep out the wind. Gnomes are supposed to have some bulk anyway, right?

It’s weird because, for years, I didn’t really dress up. I may have put on some black clothes and heavy makeup, but that was really just a throwback to my high school look. Now I’m to a point where I think every holiday should involve costumes.

Not that I’d want to dress in a vampire outfit for Christmas… stuff like that would get boring. But what if people dressed up like historical/mythical figures from the holiday they were celebrating? Thanksgiving would be way more fun with tables full of Brit immigrants and Native Americans. Christmas would certainly see lots of holy families, but why not some trees and Green Men to go along with Santa and the Magi? Endless possibilities.

Anyway, there’s no real point to this post other than to say that I know everyone likes to dress up, and I love the permission Halloween gives adults to do just that. We should grab every chance we can to pretend and imagine and dress up. The little kids have it right, folks.




Filed under Seasonal

2 Responses to The Beauty of Halloween

  1. Jen

    Please come over to the house in your gnome costumes, Hayden would LOVE it and freaking loose his mind b/c Gnomio and Juliet is his favorite movie.

    • Katie

      Haha! Can do! I thought about it, but they all seemed a little spooked last year. But it sounds like that would be a good addition to Hayden ‘s b-day gift;)

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