Tag Archives: structure

Freelance Education: Computators and Interwebs

computator buttons wheelsI am constantly astounded by how little I know about computers, the Internet, computerized services on the Internet…

Fortunately, I get to learn stuff like this when I’m researching work assignments. One of my favorite things about being a writer is venturing into uncharted territory every time I take on a new client. Over the years, I’ve had the chance to delve into hospital culture, alternative health, solar energy, travel, memorial stones, HVAC systems and so much more.

These days, I’m spending a lot of time writing about Internet hosting and the vast landscape surrounding it. In some moments, I feel a bit behind the curve, as I scramble to decipher the cryptic terminology of Web development, or look up, once again, an acronym for some programming language.

Still, it’s all part of my education, and kind of a must for a freelance writer. Better yet, many of the folks with whom I’ve worked, both now and in the past, are patient, guru-like sources of knowledge and structure. Invaluable.

When you consider a freelance career, or writing of any sort,  recognize that your expertise is limited to a craft. Know also that clients will want you to be experts in their topic. Think of it as free (heck, paid!) education, and soak it all up.

Lovely weekend to you!

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Filed under I'm a Professional

Back to It

george martha washington wedding painting

On January 6, 1759, George Washington married the widowed Martha Dandridge Custis, making her and her two surviving children active characters in 18th century U.S. history.

On January 6, 2012, my mother’s eldest sibling married a sweetheart he’d dated six decades in the past. She’s brought so much to our family with her love, generosity and culinary skill.

Sometimes, we have to circle back, and connect with pieces of our earlier selves. It might be an old flame; it might be a lingering (albeit nerdy) fascination with a long dead figure of patriotism. These pieces usually still have things to teach us.

Getting back to a routine after the holidays has its pros and cons, but the truth is that I’m ready for the structure. I have a new guide for prioritizing, and plenty of plans with which to fill my time. I’m nurturing various pieces of me that are the foundation of who I am now, and feel, as much as ever, that I’m doing it right.

As we start the new year, I want to pause and thank you. The fact that you’re reading this blog is something I appreciate, and also means that you might know me better than some folks do in “real” life. But more than that, you may be one of the many people who, through direct contact, have encouraged me to continue doing my thing. You’ve helped me look to 2014 with positive anticipation, and better, expect things from myself. Man in the Mirror and all that.

To the week, me hearties!


Filed under AutoBio, History Buff, New Story