Tag Archives: passions

Freelance Freetime

laptop Smithsonian Natural Health magazines deskI have this running list of things to do that are at once entertaining and productive. Things like “read Smithsonian and Natural Health magazines” (to which I subscribe) and “write for fun.”

Rarely do I get to them, or for more than three minutes at a time.

While these to-do items make me no money and add nothing to my resume, they do remind me why I love to work in words. They remind me of the best of fiction and non fiction. They let me take a tiny break from being Wife, Mom, Freelance Writer, and connect me with both a younger and an older self.

Reading and writing for pleasure have always been preferred pastimes, and always will be. They are at my essence. Further, as a writer, I think it’s vital that I seek out new fascinations and keep tabs on old passions.

I am endlessly fortunate that I get paid to write, even if in a non-glamorous capacity. Sometimes, though, it’s nice to do it freestyle.

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