Tag Archives: freelance adventure

Promoting Freelance: A Year and a Half In

share buttonToday I’m going to meet up with someone who is about to strike out on her own freelance adventure.

From what I’ve gathered, she’s a bit nervous, and is wondering if leaving her job is even the right decision in the first place.

My plan is to encourage her, and promote the freelance lifestyle.

Of course, I assume she is not four weeks pregnant and about to lose her “reliable” transportation.

Quitting my job less than a week before learning of my condition, along with the subsequent fatigue, nausea and preparing that comes with said joyous state, turned out to be a good thing. But I would not recommend it as a business plan. The main reason it was so excellent was that the job was causing me too much stress, and that’s not good for fetuses. It also gave me time to really prepare for the baby mentally, physically and in the home.

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