Tag Archives: trees and humans

Listen to the Trees

looking up tree trunk branches

In the small amount of Dr. Who that I’ve watched, I picked up on the idea that the future could be a place where human and plant DNA combine to create a whole new species that we can’t even imagine.

As a Tolkien nerd, I have a deep respect for trees, because they might just be ancient shepherds of the forests that used to stand.

When I was 10, I was known to climb dangerously high in large trees near to my home. Somehow, I’ve never broken a bone.

Someday, I want to see the Redwoods, those living mountains of the biological world.

Did you know that what is thought to be the globe’s oldest, heaviest organism is the Pando tree root system in Utah?

Magnificent and magical, trees connect us to the deep past. When science shows us new ways in which we might be connected to the trees themselves, maybe we should listen.

How Removing Trees Can Kill You (don’t worry – it’s from PBS).

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