Tag Archives: religion

Culturally Acceptable Mutilation – Be Outraged

Egyptian teenage girl dead FGM

I’ve known about female circumcision, or Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) for a long time. When I was a college student, my hate for the practice was solidified when it was coincidentally discussed in two separate classes on the same morning.

After the talk in Geography gave me an upset stomach, the detailed written account in Child Psychology pushed me to the brink of faint. Even as my vision went black and my hearing faded, all I could think about was how wrong FGM is. If it could have such an impact on a 22 year-old white girl in hyper-Christian West Michigan, imagine what it does to the underprivileged Muslim women in Egypt.

Without going into too much detail, let me clarify what female circumcision is. Like male circumcision, it removes part of the genitalia. Unlike typical male circumcision in the west, female circumcision is often intended to preserve virginity, and perpetuate what you and I might see as oppressive and sexist tradition. More information is available on this Equality Now PDF.

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Filed under Current Events, Health

Where Did It Begin?

carved image celtic creation myth

“The Universe”

“Scientific Understanding”

“A Divine Source”

“Debates About the Universe, Scientific Understanding and a Divine Source”

…each could be the prefix to this post’s title. I cannot answer those questions.

If you visit with any regularity, you likely know that I put significant stock in mainstream science’s current explanations of the universe. Let me officially come out here as a human who fully accepts evolution, just as I accept diabetes medicine and how long it will take my car to stop at 70 mph.

Regular visitors perhaps also know that I don’t think today’s medical and automobile industries are perfect. And so it goes with today’s scientists.

The really cool thing is, scientists – the good ones – don’t ever claim to have it all figured out. True science does not work toward a defined end goal, but rather looks to be proven wrong and take on a new challenge.

I fall into the camp that feels the Nye-Ham debate might have left a bit to be desired as far as its impact is concerned. While watching two very intelligent people argue a hot topic is fun, it probably doesn’t do much to sway viewers, most of whom I imagine were firmly on one, or the other, side of the fence. Still, the follow up discussion might bridge some gaps.

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Filed under Science