Freelance Clinic: Donating Plasma

what blood is made of

I donated plasma for several months back in college. It was a great way to make some extra cash, help out the community and snag a little downtime for reading.

This week, I donated for the first time in more than five years. When I told the husband we could bring in an extra $400 a month if we both did it, he hopped right on board. Between the water and peanut butter sandwich feast beforehand, and the free childcare during donation, it’s a regular date!

Hey, a freelance writer has to get her kicks somehow!

Although the location we use is new, many of the staff members are the same, and it’s actually been nice to reconnect with a couple of them. The atmosphere is surprisingly relaxed (but very clean and professional) and the larger facility means minimal wait time. Everything is scheduled online, and our compensation is put on handy-dandy debit cards.

Even better, the vitals get checked at every visit. If there’s anything off with my blood pressure, weight, temperature, iron or protein levels, I’ll know about it right away.

As for the downtime, I appreciate/need it way more than I did five years ago. Having 45 minutes during which the only thing I can do is read is blissful.

I’d recommend trying this out to anyone who wants to make extra money – you don’t have to be a poor freelancer or starving artist. Of course, if you are in need of income support, this is a nice option. Do check it.



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