Winding Down Freelance…

drawing of wind up dollThere are lots of nice things about working as a freelance writer, one of them being that when you have to, you can put real life first without feeling like it’s inconveniencing your co-workers.

I’ve been fortunate for this through my entire pregnancy. I’m a person who deals well with a very specific sort of stress, and very poorly with another. Basically, when I have a lot to get done, like buy a house, plan a wedding, go to class, go to work and maintain a social life, I thrive.

But if I have any health/physical situation that makes me concerned or less capable than usual, I sort of crumble under slight pressure.

Working out of the house, on my own time and terms, has allowed me to make a healthy pregnancy the priority. I haven’t had to deal with taking time off for appointments, or finding a minute to call the nurse when I have a question or sitting in a cubicle when all I want to do is work on the bed.

I also don’t suppose it’s appropriate to pull up your shirt to stare at your bare belly when it starts moving on its own if you’re in an office full of other people.

I’ve heard working mothers say that going to their job is a type of escape – adult interaction without child interruption. I totally get this, and understand that I might wish for it down the road. Lucky for me, I know some eager grandparents who will undoubtedly be willing to step in if I need a few hours.

Once our daughter is born and we’re somewhat used to the whole parenting thing, I plan to ease myself back into working with some baby steps of my own. I love that I don’t have to go from no work at all to 20, 30 or 40 hour weeks. I can spend an hour a day, or a few hours on select days to get myself used to staring at the screen again.

Freelance writing may have tightened our belts a bit, but it’s also made room for the truly important stuff. I’m sure someday I’ll once again punch a clock, but for the moment I’m going to bask in the glow of a good choice at the right time.

Sketch by Kitten Toast

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